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Д-р АНТОНИЯ ДИМИТРОВА: Gene drive – нова технология с възможно приложение в селското стопанство

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Gene drive – new technology with possible use in agriculture

Antoniya Dimitrova, chief expert
Gene drive based on the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system is a powerful technology that promotes the inheritance of the gene drive tool itself via sexual reproduction and can therefore spread quickly through a population. It can be used in agriculture, medicine biotechnology and science.
Potential agricultural applications of gene drive include: control or alter organisms that damage crops or carry crop diseases; eliminate weedy plants that compete with cultivated crops; eliminate herbicide or pesticide resistance; control or alter organisms that carry infectious diseases that infect farm animals or organisms that directly cause diseases; control or alter organisms that serve as reservoirs of farm animal diseases.
It is essential to continue research to establish the efficacy and safety of gene drive before it can be decided whether they are suitable for use.