

Д-р МАДЛЕН ВАСИЛЕВА: Бруцелозата в ЕС през 2017 г. Обобщен доклад на Европейския съюз относно тенденциите и източниците на зоонози, зоонозни агенти и хранителни взривове в Европа през 2017 година

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Surveillance and monitoring of brucellosis in the EU in 2017

The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2017

(European Food Safety Authority European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)



Brucellosis is a rare infection in humans in the EU with similar notification rates over the last 5 years. It is a severe disease with most infected cases hospitalised and with one death reported in 2017. The highest notification rates and most domestic brucellosis cases were reported from four MS that are not officially brucellosis free in cattle, sheep or goats (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain). These MS reported the most Brucella -positive or -infected herds of these ruminant species in the EU. From food, only Italy reported one investigation during 2017 with Brucella -positive findings in pasteurised milk from a processing plant. Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain reported very few monitoring data from milk and milk products, in particular those destined to be consumed raw and that are the main food sources of brucellosis in human. Non-food-borne transmission of brucellosis to humans also happens by direct contact with infected animals. In livestock, bovine brucellosis and ovine and caprine brucellosis have been eradicated by most MS. As a result, reported food-borne disease outbreaks due to Brucella have become rare in large areas of the EU and, for the year 2017, only one food-borne outbreak due to Brucella was reported, by Germany, with two illnesses, but the incriminated food was unknown. The overall situation in animals in the EU in 2017 further improved with the total number of Brucella positive or -infected cattle herds, sheep flocks and goat herds further decreasing in the MS regions that are not officially free of brucellosis by 20% and by 6%, respectively. The temporal trends of bovine brucellosis and of ovine and caprine brucellosis in not officially free regions in Italy, Portugal and Spain showed a decrease in recent years. Brucellosis in cattle herds, in sheep flocks and in goat herds was also reported by Greece, as during previous years. These findings underline the situation that brucellosis is still an animal health problem with public health relevance in few EU MS.
The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2017 - European Food Safety Authority European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/5077
APPROVED: 19 November 2018
EFSA Journal 2018;16(12):5500
The Appendix lists all summary tables and figures made for the production of this section. It is an Excel file allowing the user to filter by chapter the corresponding summary tables and figures with their abbreviated file name and titles. All tables and figures are published as supporting information to this report and are available in downloadable files at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1475841