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ИНФОРМАЦИЯ – „Бъдещи приоритети в научните изследвания на EFSA“/ Future priorities in EFSA's research

Прочети материала ТУК


Future priorities in EFSA's research

Executive Summary

At the end of the current Panel mandates (2015-2018), EFSA consulted the Panel members on their views of what research needs and priorities should be identified as important for the coming years.

A substantial number of proposals were received that have been collated in this preliminary report for feedback and additional proposals from the Advisory Forum.

In addition to the consultation with the Advisory Forum over the summer, also EFSA staff will be consulted, and an analysis will be done regarding funding opportunities under Horizon 2020. These three streams of input will be collated in EFSA’s Strategic Research Agenda to be compiled in the autumn as input for priorities and needs for EFSA to be considered for Horizon 2020 (Workplan 2020) and Horizon Europe.

The proposals have been collated into the following 9 themes.

  1. THEME: Integrated approaches for microbiological hazards
  2. THEME: Dealing with new opportunities from the human microbiome
  3. THEME: Migration and food safety
  4. THEME: Integrated approaches to pests and diseases in plants and animal production
  5. THEME: Tools for data-driven food systems
  6. THEME: Food safety - systems approaches to human risk assessment
  7. THEME: Food safety - systems approaches to environmental risk assessment
  8. THEME: Ensure food, feed, nutrition security