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Ръководство за одобряване на нови или модифицирани методи за зашеметяване на животните / Guidance for new or modified stunning methods regarding animal protection at the time of killing

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Guidance on the assessment criteria for applications for new or modified stunning methods regarding animal protection at the time of killing

European Food Safety Authority

First published in the EFSA Journal: 19 July 2018

Adopted: 12 June 2018



This guidance defines the process for handling applications on new or modified stunning methods and the parameters that will be assessed by the EFSA Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) Panel. The applications, received through the European Commission, should contain administrative information, a checklist of data to be submitted and a technical dossier. The dossier should include two or more studies (in laboratory and slaughterhouse conditions) reporting all parameters and methodological aspects that are indicated in the guidance. The applications will first be scrutinised by the EFSA's Applications Desk (APDESK) Unit for verification of the completeness of the data submitted for the risk assessment of the stunning method. If the application is considered not valid, additional information may be requested from the applicant. If considered valid, it will be subjected to assessment phase 1 where the data related to parameters for the scientific evaluation of the stunning method will be examined by the AHAW Panel. Such parameters focus on the stunning method and the outcomes of interest, i.e. immediate onset of unconsciousness or the absence of avoidable pain, distress and suffering until the loss of consciousness and duration of the unconsciousness (until death). The applicant should also propose methodologies and results to assess the equivalence with existing stunning methods in terms of welfare outcomes. Applications passing assessment phase 1 will be subjected to the following phase 2 which will be carried out by the AHAW Panel and focuses on the animal welfare risk assessment. In this phase, the Panel will assess the outcomes, conclusions and discussion proposed by the applicant. The results of the assessment will be published in a scientific opinion.



ADOPTED: 12 June 2018

doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5343

© 2018 European Food Safety Authority.

EFSA Journal published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd on behalf

of European Food Safety Authority.

Keywords: Stunning, slaughter, animal welfare, reporting guidance

Requestor: EFSA

Question number: EFSA-Q-2017-00711

Correspondence: alpha@efsa.europa.eu



Outcome of a public consultation on the draft “Guidance on the assessment criteria for applications for new or modified stunning methods regarding animal protection at the time of killing”

European Food Safety Authority


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) carried out a public consultation to receive input from the scientific community and all interested parties on a Draft Scientific Guidance of the EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW Panel) on the assessment criteria for applications for new or modified stunning methods regarding animal protection at the time of killing. The Draft Guidance proposed three main sections i) guidance for handling applications on stunning methods, ii) suitability check of data for risk assessment and iii) risk assessment of the stunning method. Applicants could submit comments related to each of the three sections. The draft was discussed and endorsed for public consultation by the AHAW Panel at its plenary meeting on 06‐07 March 2018. The consultation was carried out via the internet and was open from 13 March 2018 till 24 April 2018. Interested parties were invited to submit comments and to refer to the line and page numbers. All eligible comments were recorded and assessed by the ad‐hoc Working Group on “Revision of the stunning guidance” of the AHAW Panel. The AHAW Panel prepared an updated version of the guidance taking into account the relevant comments received. The Scientific Opinion was discussed and adopted at the AHAW Plenary meeting on the 11th of June 2018, and is published in the EFSA Journal (EFSA AHAW Panel, 2018).



APPROVED: 06 July2018


© European Food Safety Authority, 2018

Key words: public consultation, Stunning, slaughter, animal welfare, reporting guidance

Requestor: EFSA

Question number: EFSA-Q-2018-00056

Correspondence: alpha@efsa.europa.eu
